Upcoming Events

Saturday 23 November 2024

Opening Times: 10:00 to 17:00

Passivhaus Workshop

The Passivhaus standard is designed to deliver comfort, quality and lower running costs, in any type of building. We spend most of our time indoors, so buildings play an important part in our health and wellbeing. The most successful and cost-effective way of achieving Passivhaus is by incorporating the standard before your designs are complete. It’s also useful if the Passivhaus elements are included in your planning application. Take advantage of this free workshop and ensure you have the right team behind you for your Passivhaus home. This workshop will offer a full timetable of seminars, question time sessions and live guided tours from the NSBRC technical experts.


The Festival of Sustainable Homes

The Festival of Sustainable Homes

This exciting, family-friendly show, will highlight how we can all live more sustainably in our homes and communities. Offering the latest advice on improving both the energy efficiency and comfort levels of properties – for both new builds & existing homes.

Building Systems Workshop

Building Systems Workshop

This workshop is aimed at people in the early stages of a project, who have yet to decide what building method they are using. One of the most important decisions you will make during your project is which building system to use, as this is used to construct the superstructure of the house.

Passivhaus Workshop

Passivhaus Workshop

The Passivhaus standard is designed to deliver comfort, quality and lower running costs, in any type of building. We spend most of our time indoors, so buildings play an important part in our health and wellbeing.